Thursday, March 3, 2011

La Crosse= Bodega Brewpub

Again I find myself in La Crosse, WI, so that means going to Bodega for dinner!  No matter how many times I visit Bodega I can not believe that this great beer bar is in La Crosse, WI.  Tonight they were busy and the bar staff still kept up with the crowd they had.

They have some really good sandwiches as well as other appetizing food selections.  The main draw though is the beer!  I had a couple wonderful beers to add to my resume tonight.  First was the Tyranena Sheep Shagger Scotch Ale a wonderful scotch ale.  Amber in color with a nice white head.  Nicely malty and roasty.  It is a easy drinking beer.  Again it is a beer I would recommend

My Second beer for the night was New Glarus Smoked Rye Ale  For those of you that love smoked beers enough said.  From the first sniff this beer is about smoke.  They blend smoke malt from Bamberg Germany and Chilton, WI into a very smoky but wonderful beer.  The rye is there but as a spicy back note to the smoke.  I know I keep on talking about the smoke, but is it for a good reason.  Smoke is upfront and is present through out the beer, but somehow the beer is balanced and drinkable.  As Charlie is famous for saying "Relax and have a homebrew", I am slightly modifying this "Relax and have a Craft Brew!"

Also I want to say a big thank you to Jeff and John.  When I talk about your bar, I truly do mean it.  It is a great beer bar and is so much fun to be at.  You may not walk in knowing anyone but you do leave the bar with some new friends!

QC Beerguy

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