Tuesday, February 8, 2011

QC Area- Home base

Just going to do some blog rambling tonight, home in the QC so no plans to go exploring tonight.  What I plan on mentioning just some of the opportunities locally.  We have 5 brewpubs/ microbreweries here in the QC Bent River Moline, Blue Cat Rock Island, and Great River, Front Street and Granite City all in Davenport.  They all have pluses and minus and I will explore those more and their beers as I have an opportunity to get to them.

Also we have many bars/restaurants that have a good to very good selection of beers, again I will cover them as I get to them.  They include Old Chicago, Bier Stubbe, and the River House to name a few, but there are more.

For those who enjoy homebrewing we do have a local hombrew club here in the QC, MUGZ is the name of the club.  http://www.mugzhomebrew.org/ is the website.  We meet the last Sunday of the month usually at Great River Brewing in Davenport at 2pm.  Currently we have approximately 60 members, but we always have room for more members.

As far as the good Liquor stores to purchase beer unfortunately we do not have any outstanding stores, but each manager at the local Hy Vee liquor departments are allowed to stock as they see fit.  What that means if you want a particular beer go to your closest Hy Vee and just ask the manager if they can order it in for you, most times they will if the can get what you want.  There are a few Hy Vees that  stand above the rest:  the John Deere Road Moline, the stand alone Hy Vee Liquor across from the Mississippi Valley Fair grounds, and I know my local Hy Vee on Devils Glen has a beer buyer club. 

That is just a quick over view of the local beer scene here in the QC. More will info will come as I jaunt around to better explore and explain what is here.

One last thing I have heard that there could be a new brewpub opening up in the Village of East Davenport, I will have to check that out to see if that is for real.

Later all!
QC Beerguy

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