Thursday, September 15, 2011

Your Opinion Counts

As I stated in the title your opinion counts.  Whether it be at your local brewpub, bar or retailer.  What you think or like does matter.  If you do not believe me go into your favorite place to drink or purchase an adult beverage and ask for a favorite they do not have.  Chances are they will do their best to fill your request.  I have been told at several places if you do not see it and we can buy it, we will bring it in.  So do not be afraid to ask, it also helps to be recognized as a regular customer.

You maybe wondering where this idea came from and I will gladly explain.  It comes from a couple events that happened to me this month.  The first was at the Iowa Festival of Beers where the guys at Great River asked me to give them my thoughts on their beers before the gates opened.  They both have better palates than I do, but they wanted someone familiar with the beer but not drinking everyday to make sure the beer was up to par. It was and the had a great day with them emptying all of their kegs.

The second event was tonight at Bodega Brewpub, in which I have become a familiar face. John, the bar manager, saw me and came over to talk for a while.  During our talk he said something along the lines, "What are some of the great beers you have had lately?"  So I began to think about the beers I have lately and that lead my thoughts to my time in Nebraska, because I had some beers that do not usually make it out of the state.  Once my thoughts became congealed, I was able to name several beers that I liked from Nebraska.  As I am telling him about these beers I noticed that he was taking notes on what I was saying to him  As we continue to talk he mentions he has family out in the Omaha area, so do not be surprised if you find some great Nebraska beers available at Bodega Brewpub sometime soon.

So that is where I am coming from, if asked express your opinion!  As you are becoming a familiar face to your brewpub, bar or retailer ask for what you want.  The more you ask for the more they will start to recognize you.  Once you are that face they may ask you for your opinion and base purchasing or serving off of your recommendations  So the lesson here is speak up!

QC Beerguy. 

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